Welcome to Cumming Family Chiropractic—where wellness and convenience come together at the Cumming City Center.
We’re redefining chiropractic care with a modern, membership-style approach that allows you to prioritize your health effortlessly. We go beyond adjustments to provide personalized care and empower your family’s journey to better health.
Specializing in pediatric and perinatal chiropractic, we’re passionate about supporting moms-to-be and little ones, while welcoming individuals of all ages to experience the benefits of a balanced nervous system and vibrant well-being.
Wave goodbye to daily discomfort and embrace a life of vitality with Cumming Family Chiropractic.
Ready to elevate your wellness journey? Join us today!
From pain relief to wellness care, we provide a comprehensive assessment and a customized plan to help you reach your specific health and wellness goals.
We support mom & baby with specific adjustments to align the body. This allows for proper biomechanics and brain/body connection, making your pregnancy as healthy and comfortable as possible.
Children go through so many changes as they grow. Chiropractic helps their nervous system function optimally, allowing for proper growth and overall health.